Saudi Arabia summon to Charged Affairs of Swedish Embassy against the burning of Holy Qur’an
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) expressed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s strong condemnation and denunciation of the repeated and irresponsible actions of the Swedish authorities in granting some extremists official permits to burn and desecrate copies of the Holy Qur’an. Trending : Types, Advantages and Duration of Saudi Personal Visit Visa
The Ministry pointed out that this behavior is a systematic provocation of the feelings of millions of Muslims around the world.
– The ministry stated that it would summon the Charged Affaires of the Swedish Embassy in the Kingdom to hand him a protest note that includes the Kingdom’s request to the Swedish authorities to take all necessary and immediate measures to stop these shameful acts, which violate all religious teachings, laws and international norms.
– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs underlined the Kingdom’s strong rejection of all these actions that promote religious intolerance and obstruct inter-group communication.
Muslim World League condemns the repeated desecration of the Holy Qur’an in Sweden : Muslim countries summon to Charged Affairs of Swedish Embassy :
The Muslim World League expressed its condemnation in the strongest terms of the crime of desecration of a copy of the Holy Qur’an, which was committed by an extremist in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, in a disgraceful and provocative repetition of the feelings of Muslims. Most Viewed : Kuwait takes a legal action against a tweeter for insulting Saudi Arabia
– The League condemned these foolish and immoral customs that go against all moral and ethical standards of both religion and society.
– The League also reiterated its cautions against inciting religious hatred and the risks of engaging in practices that only advance the interests of extremists.
– The Muslim World League regretted that these actions were sanctioned by the government and carried out under the cover of freedom of expression, despite the fact that they violate numerous civilized and logical freedoms, including the requirement to respect the sacred and refrain from inciting animosity towards it under any circumstances.
Egypt condemns repeated cases, and summon to Charged Affairs of Swedish Embassy, on a balant challenge that goes beyond the limits of freedom of expression :
Egypt condemned in the strongest terms, in a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Today, the Swedish authorities allowing an extremist to repeat the assault and tearing of the Holy Qur’an in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, in a blatant challenge that goes beyond the limits of freedom of expression and provokes the feelings of millions of Muslims around the world, and violates their sanctities. Recommend : The Holy Kaaba gets its new Kiswah
– Egypt expressed its deep concern about the recurrence of incidents of contempt for religion, the spread of Islamo’phobia, and the rise of hate speech in many countries, which heralds serious and impactful effects on the security and stability of societies and the enjoyment of human rights.
– Egypt stressed the need for states to assume their responsibilities in confronting these crimes, preventing their recurrence and holding perpetrators accountable, and the importance of states respecting their international obligations to promote peaceful coexistence and social harmony and spread a culture of tolerance and acceptance of the other.
Jordan summon to Charged Affairs of Swedish Embassy after the attack on a copy of the Holy Qur’an :
The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it had summon to Charged Affairs of Swedish Embassy in the Kingdom, in order to convey a “strongly worded” letter of protest to his country’s government, for allowing the attack on a copy of the Holy Qur’an in the Swedish capital, Stockholm. Read : Know more about Zamzam holy water
– Jordan condemned the desecration of a copy of the Holy Qur’an, considering that this act expresses a culture of hatred and a crude provocation of the feelings of about two billion Muslims, which cannot be justified in the context of freedom of expression at all.
– The Jordanian Foreign Ministry stressed the need for the Swedish government to take the necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of these acts, which represent a violation of common human values, an embodiment of a culture of hatred and racism that incites violence, and a manifestation of Islamophobia.

Saudi Arabia summon to Charged Affairs of Swedish Embassy – Saudi Arabia summon to Charged Affairs of Swedish Embassy