Birth of a Child with only one Eye in Iraq
Iraq’s social media platforms were viral with news and images of the birth of a child with only one eye and missing the another eye. Trending : NASA reveals the true color of the Sun
The odd delivery of a child with only one eye in a hospital was witnessed by the Iraqi governorate of Dhi Qar. A health official, confirmed that this condition results in the infant dying right away at birth.
– According to a source from the Dhi Qar Health Department, who was quoted by Al-Sumaria News, “For the first time, a strange birth of a child with only one eye occurred in Al-Rifai Hospital, north of the center of Dhi Qar Governorate.”
– And a doctor at Al-Rifai General Hospital, where the child with one eye was born, revealed what was reported in the local media, “Due to the stoppage of the child’s feeding through the umbilical cord, his death happened right after birth.” Most Viewed : 6 Airports in Saudi Arabia to welcome Hajj 2023 international pilgrims
– The image of the boy, in which it appeared that he had just one eye, was widely circulated by some of the early adopters of social networking sites.
– One of the medical professionals DR. Thamer Yasser at the Al-Rifai General hospital stated that “this rare condition is the result of a mismatch between the blood of the mother and father, or the presence of a germ in the mother’s womb during pregnancy”.
– While another medical professional Dr. Basma Mohammed attributed this condition to a deficiency in the child’s brain tissue.
– Only seven of these cases were reportedly born in the world during the course of 500 years, with the first one occurring in 1665.
– One of the most notable of these incidents occurred in Yemen last year when a child was born with only one eye in the city of Rada’a, Al-Badhaa Governorate. See Also : Free Hajj offered to an elderly Pakistani man who went viral on Social media in Madina
– It is noteworthy that in a prior event, the owners of social media platforms in Yemen released images of the birth of a kid in a rare instance of its sort with one eye in the city of Rada’a, Al-Bayda Governorate, located in central Yemen, on Wednesday, March 16.
– The birth of a child with only one eye, one optic nerve, and one eye socket at Al-Hilal Medical Hospital in Rada’a, Al-Bayda Governorate, was confirmed by the Yemeni newspaper Al-Mashhad, which also published a photo of the child and reported on the incident.
– While the doctors who attended the birth confirmed that the infant is currently in a stable condition and is being watched over in the nursery, they also described the condition as rare despite expecting it to occur, even in small doses, and linked it to Greek myths, according to what was reported.
– The first case of the birth of a child with only one eye was documented in 1665, and we are currently witnessing a new case in Yemen, according to the Yemeni website. They then used the Google search engine to demonstrate their claim, demonstrating that there have only been six cases worldwide in close to five centuries. Our YouTube : Subscribe to Saudi Expatriates on YouTube