4 places to get Zamzam water at Jeddah Airport, Know more about Zamzam
King Abdulaziz International Airport (KAIA) in Jeddah designated 4 halls inside the airport for the sale of Zamzam water for passengers. Trending : 30 items prohibited from carrying at Jeddah Airport
According to the KAIA, Hajj pilgrims, who are traveling on international flights can buy Zamzam water from outside gate of northern hall.
– Additionally, Zamzam water can be purchased from 3 places in Hall No. 1, within the Hall A, outside Gate B2, as well as outside Gate C2.
– The Jeddah Airport has imposed a limit on the amount of Zamzam water that Hajj pilgrims are permitted to carry with them, stating that they are only permitted to take one 5-liter can of Zamzam water.
Four conditions to carry Zamzam bottles from Jeddah International Airport :
1. Carry the Zamzam cans, do not place it inside your baggage or luggage. Most Viewed : 7 reasons to visit Madina Al-Munawwarah
2. Zamzam can be purchased from the primary selling locations for packaging shipping operations.
3. To carry zamzam, travelers can show proof of Umrah registration through Nusuk or their Hajj visa.
4. Pilgrims exiting Saudi Arabia on international flights are allowed to carry one Zamzam can of 5-liters.
Know more about Zamzam water :
* Zamzam Well is located within the Makkah Grand Mosque. It is located 20m east of the Holy Kaaba. See Also : This is the reason, Why is Makkah Grand Mosque floor is cool even in scorching heat
* Zamzam water has a particular flavor, it is colorless and odorless, and has a pH of 7.9 to 8. It is therefore slightly alkaline. It is 4000 years old well and a miracle of Allah (SWT) for Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS).
* Zamzam well has not run dry, since the Prophet Abrahm (Ibrahim), Peace Be Upon Him, place his wife Hajira and infant son Ismail in a dry valley near Kaaba place.
* Seeing her baby cry in thirst, the helpless mother Hajira started running between the hills of Safa and Marwa in search of food, water or help. She called out Allah (SWT), asking for help and mercy.
* The Zamzam water comes by the command of Allah for Mrs. Hajira and her infant Ismail, when they were extremely thirsty and were in desperate need of water and the Allah’s kindness descended upon them by giving them the precious water of Zamzam in the middle of desert. Recommend : Movable domes of Prophet’s Mosque in Madina
* Zamzam water is known to be the best water on earth, it tastes well and also heals illness.
* The name Zamzam comes from Hajira, when she yelled Zamzam (Stop! Stop!), to stop the flowing water before it flooded in the land.
* The benefit of Zam Zam water is, if you drink it to satisfy your hunger, Allah will satisfy your hunger. If you drink it to quench your thirst, Allah will will quench your thirst. The intention while drinking it matters. This well was dugged by the Angel Jibreel on the command of Allah.
* The 4000-year-old Zamzam well is connected to renewable groundwater, with rain being its main source, therefore it will never run out of water, according to famous geology professor Abbas Sharaqi. He stated that Zamzam water will never dry out, except unusual environmental circumstances. Viewable Story : 6 Fruits mentioned in the Holy Quran by name
* Except for Zamzam water, which is free of bacteria and germs, no other water source is known to exist in the globe. Zamzam water is the purest type of water on Earth because it doesn’t contain any impurities, according to Dr. Yahya Koshak.
* Even after subjecting the holy water to ultraviolet light, the Zamzam specialist discovered that bacteria and other germs do not thrive well in the molecular structure of Zamzam. Follow Saudi Expatriates on Threads